Event Information

Event on 2022-03-12 20:19, Annecy F, Magnitude 3.5
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Local time 2022-03-12 20:19:18
UTC Time 2022-03-12 19:19:18
Event Type earthquake
Latitude / Longitude 45.67 / 6.33
Swiss Coordinates 513708 / 58648
Magnitude 3.5
Magnitude Type MLhc
Location Annecy F
Depth [km] 7.3
Location Type manual
Agency SED
Last Update 02-03-2023 12:36:13
Danger level 1 (as defined by federal agencies with responsibility for natural hazards)
Origin ID & Metadata smi:ch.ethz.sed/sc20ag/Origin/NLL.20230302123605.154662.94530
Waveform Image:
waveform image, if available
Traveltime plot:
travel time plot. click to enlarge in separate window.
GSE 2.1 provisional format
MSG_ID 2022/03/12_074929700 CHE_NDC
Reviewed Event Bulletin (REB) of the CHE_NDC for March 12, 2022, 07:19:18.674
EVENT 2022/03/12_071918674 ANNECY F
Date Time Err RMS Latitude Longitude Smaj Smin Az Depth Err Ndef Nsta Gap mdist Mdist Qual Author OrigID
2022/03/12 19:19:18.67 0.14 45.6691 6.3371 648.0 188.3 189 9.8 0.3 65 49 145 0.37 1.17 m i ke SED --------

Magnitude Err Nsta Author OrigID
MLhc 3.5 0.3 280 SED --------

Sta Dist EvAz Phase Time TRes Azim AzRes Slow SRes Def SNR Amp Per Qual Magnitude ArrID
OGMY 0.37 304.7 Pg 19:19:26.242 0.0 ___ 5666.4 md_ MLhc 4.1 --------
OGMY 0.37 304.7 Sg 19:19:31.989 0.3 ___ m__ --------
SALEV 0.42 337.7 Pg 19:19:27.212 -0.1 ___ 3075.2 m__ MLhc 3.5 --------
SALEV 0.42 337.7 Sg 19:19:33.497 0.2 ___ m__ --------
BLANC 0.45 67.1 Pg 19:19:27.743 0.1 ___ 14318.9 md_ MLhc 4.1 --------
BLANC 0.45 67.1 Sg 19:19:33.667 0.0 ___ m__ --------
OGSI 0.49 37.2 Pg 19:19:28.014 -0.1 ___ 1913.4 m__ MLhc 3.5 --------
OGSI 0.49 37.2 Sg 19:19:34.558 -0.1 ___ m__ --------
OG02 0.49 351.3 Pg 19:19:28.355 -0.3 ___ 2626.0 m__ MLhc 4.2 --------
OG02 0.49 351.3 Sg 19:19:35.482 0.0 ___ m__ --------
LULY3 0.50 344.1 Pg 19:19:28.813 -0.1 ___ 11328.6 m__ MLhc 3.9 --------
LULY3 0.50 344.1 Sg 19:19:36.309 0.4 ___ m__ --------
LULY2 0.51 336.6 Pg 19:19:29.005 0.0 ___ 19591.2 mc_ MLhc 4.1 --------
LULY2 0.51 336.6 Sg 19:19:36.521 0.3 ___ m__ --------
MRGE 0.51 78.7 Pg 19:19:28.768 0.0 ___ 3061.5 md_ MLhc 3.4 --------
MRGE 0.51 78.7 Sg 19:19:35.556 0.2 ___ m__ --------
LULY1 0.54 340.9 Pg 19:19:29.543 -0.1 ___ 5710.1 m__ MLhc 3.7 --------
LULY1 0.54 340.9 Sg 19:19:37.476 0.3 ___ m__ --------
LSD 0.59 110.8 Pg 19:19:29.934 0.0 ___ 1290.5 md_ MLhc 3.2 --------
PERON 0.60 331.1 Pg 19:19:30.570 0.0 ___ 11244.7 m__ MLhc 4.2 --------
PERON 0.60 331.1 Sg 19:19:39.206 0.4 ___ m__ --------
CERN1 0.60 341.8 Pg 19:19:30.700 0.0 ___ 3415.6 mc_ MLhc 3.6 --------
MFERR 0.61 62.4 Pg 19:19:30.431 0.1 ___ 2438.9 md_ MLhc 3.4 --------
CERNS 0.62 343.4 Pg 19:19:31.149 -0.1 ___ 4554.4 mc_ MLhc 3.5 --------
COLLE 0.64 347.3 Pg 19:19:31.315 -0.3 ___ 6338.9 m__ MLhc 3.8 --------
OG35 0.64 305.7 Pg 19:19:31.553 0.1 ___ 2477.5 md_ MLhc 3.5 --------
OG35 0.64 305.7 Sg 19:19:40.458 0.0 ___ m__ --------
SALAN 0.65 43.1 Pg 19:19:31.212 0.0 ___ 1676.1 md_ MLhc 3.6 --------
SALAN 0.65 43.1 Sg 19:19:39.450 -0.1 ___ m__ --------
BNI 0.66 159.6 Pg 19:19:31.005 0.1 ___ 1297.3 mc_ MLhc 3.3 --------
BNI 0.66 159.6 Sg 19:19:39.651 -0.1 ___ m__ --------
CERN5 0.66 345.1 Pg 19:19:31.732 -0.3 ___ 2656.2 mc_ MLhc 3.5 --------
CERN5 0.66 345.1 Sg 19:19:41.031 0.0 ___ m__ --------
MESRY 0.68 359.1 Pg 19:19:31.943 -0.1 ___ 3209.1 mc_ MLhc 3.5 --------
ILLEZ 0.69 37.6 Pg 19:19:32.046 0.1 ___ 3182.5 mc_ MLhc 3.6 --------
EVIOB 0.70 43.0 Pg 19:19:32.023 0.0 ___ 2605.4 m__ MLhc 3.4 --------
EVIOB 0.70 43.0 Sg 19:19:40.840 -0.1 ___ m__ --------
OGVA 0.71 20.5 Pg 19:19:32.261 -0.3 ___ 1026.1 mc_ MLhc 3.0 --------
LAVEY 0.72 42.1 Pg 19:19:32.369 0.1 ___ 794.5 md_ MLhc 3.4 --------
LAVEY 0.72 42.1 Sg 19:19:41.349 -0.1 ___ m__ --------
MORCL 0.73 42.1 Pg 19:19:32.786 0.2 ___ 1693.3 mc_ MLhc 3.3 --------
FULLY 0.74 48.8 Pg 19:19:32.795 0.1 ___ 1329.9 md_ MLhc 3.5 --------
LADOL 0.77 350.3 Pg 19:19:33.835 -0.2 ___ 5572.2 mc_ MLhc 3.7 --------
VINZL 0.78 357.8 Pg 19:19:34.059 0.0 ___ 5443.9 mc_ MLhc 3.8 --------
MONT1 0.79 48.7 Pg 19:19:33.826 0.1 ___ 4846.9 md_ MLhc 3.4 --------
GRYON 0.79 42.9 Pg 19:19:33.822 0.0 ___ 1278.1 md_ MLhc 3.5 --------
RAW4 0.80 47.4 Pg 19:19:33.911 0.1 ___ 4553.5 md_ MLhc 3.7 --------
AIGLE 0.80 32.8 Pg 19:19:33.947 -0.1 ___ 1372.9 mc_ MLhc 3.4 --------
AUBON 0.84 2.0 Pg 19:19:35.346 0.0 ___ 12247.7 m__ MLhc 4.2 --------
DIX 0.85 61.0 Pg 19:19:34.858 0.0 ___ 1442.5 md_ MLhc 3.5 --------
CIRO 0.86 94.5 Pg 19:19:34.638 -0.1 ___ 476.3 md_ MLhc 3.1 --------
AROL1 0.87 67.5 Pg 19:19:35.028 0.2 ___ 823.3 md_ MLhc 3.0 --------
SIOV 0.91 51.6 Pg 19:19:35.889 0.0 ___ 1708.2 md_ MLhc 3.5 --------
RAW2 0.94 46.6 Pg 19:19:36.490 0.0 ___ 6234.2 md_ MLhc 3.7 --------
SENIN 0.97 44.0 Pg 19:19:36.992 0.1 ___ 2342.0 m__ MLhc 3.7 --------
VANNI 1.03 58.3 Pg 19:19:38.010 -0.1 ___ 1567.0 md_ MLhc 3.5 --------
RAW1 1.07 45.6 Pg 19:19:38.786 0.0 ___ 1677.7 md_ MLhc 3.7 --------
SBUL 1.08 27.8 Pg 19:19:39.427 0.1 ___ 2674.7 mc_ MLhc 3.4 --------
OPENS 1.08 13.6 Pg 19:19:39.418 0.1 ___ 6078.7 mc_ MLhc 4.0 --------
RIVEL 1.12 346.1 Pg 19:19:40.068 0.2 ___ 4862.9 mc_ MLhc 3.7 --------
BAULM 1.12 5.4 Pg 19:19:39.835 -0.1 ___ 1684.6 mc_ MLhc 3.4 --------
CHAMB 1.13 10.4 Pg 19:19:40.051 -0.1 ___ 2652.7 mc_ MLhc 3.6 --------
LKBD2 1.15 52.2 Pg 19:19:40.234 0.1 ___ 2947.9 m__ MLhc 3.8 --------
EMBD 1.17 62.2 Pg 19:19:40.450 0.0 ___ 3077.0 md_ MLhc 4.1 --------
JAUN 1.17 34.7 Pg 19:19:40.808 0.0 ___ 1810.0 m__ MLhc 3.6 --------
SKAF ___ 715.9 __ --------
SBAJ2 ___ 1597.9 __ MLhc 3.5 --------
SEFS ___ 2826.0 __ MLhc 3.4 --------
QEG01 ___ 1371.8 __ MLhc 3.6 --------
SLUW ___ 6126.8 __ MLhc 3.6 --------
SKEK ___ 1999.4 __ MLhc 3.4 --------
A121B ___ 355.6 __ MLhc 3.3 --------
SVIT ___ 2288.7 __ MLhc 3.6 --------
SCOD ___ 4629.5 __ MLhc 3.6 --------
BTCP ___ 3343.6 __ MLhc 4.0 --------
KRI01 ___ 4952.2 __ MLhc 4.2 --------
SAUR ___ 1794.7 __ MLhc 3.3 --------
CHBK ___ 1360.0 __ MLhc 3.7 --------
WGT ___ 390.9 __ --------
GRIMS ___ 364.5 __ MLhc 3.4 --------
BRIZ1 ___ 693.3 __ --------
SWIS ___ 831.2 __ --------
SBAS ___ 2804.3 __ --------
BT125 ___ 452.5 __ --------
MATTE ___ 489.5 __ --------
SGWS ___ 3290.8 __ MLhc 3.8 --------
WILA ___ 1551.7 __ MLhc 3.6 --------
SUSI ___ 2442.3 __ MLhc 3.9 --------
BNALP ___ 511.5 __ --------
SLUB ___ 1149.6 __ MLhc 3.7 --------
STHK ___ 3875.1 __ MLhc 3.6 --------
SWAS ___ 1867.7 __ MLhc 3.5 --------
NDBA1 ___ 714.3 __ --------
VARE ___ 912.7 __ --------
RAR01 ___ 10834.5 __ --------
WIMIS ___ 2625.1 __ MLhc 4.0 --------
NIE01 ___ 1027.4 __ --------
BT175 ___ 530.4 __ --------
TRULL ___ 1236.0 __ --------
MONC ___ 1000.6 __ MLhc 3.2 --------
NNFS ___ 749.8 __ MLhc 3.4 --------
SCAS2 ___ 624.0 __ --------
QEG00 ___ 1123.8 __ --------
SWAS ___ 1867.7 __ --------
SVBE ___ 1675.4 __ MLhc 3.3 --------
STFL ___ 6956.6 __ --------
KIZ ___ 372.4 __ MLhc 3.4 --------
BTAO ___ 792.6 __ --------
SDES ___ 1597.6 __ --------
SBAK ___ 1676.7 __ MLhc 3.8 --------
MTIA1 ___ 621.2 __ MLhc 3.3 --------
PZZ ___ 1293.2 __ MLhc 3.3 --------
SFRA ___ 2376.1 __ MLhc 3.4 --------
SVIL ___ 13472.4 __ MLhc 4.4 --------
PZZ ___ 1293.2 __ --------
SFRA ___ 2376.1 __ --------
SYVP ___ 6125.4 __ MLhc 3.4 --------
SMELS ___ 1560.5 __ MLhc 3.6 --------
ENE01 ___ 582.1 __ MLhc 3.3 --------
CHBK ___ 1360.0 __ --------
SWIM ___ 650.1 __ --------
VOGT ___ 579.9 __ MLhc 2.9 --------
FLACH ___ 1132.7 __ --------
SZEK ___ 5012.5 __ MLhc 3.5 --------
DSMA ___ 134.4 __ --------
SLE ___ 973.9 __ MLhc 3.6 --------
MH48 ___ 2090.3 __ --------
SIOH ___ 6032.0 __ MLhc 3.9 --------
PANIX ___ 376.7 __ MLhc 3.8 --------
METMA ___ 412.3 __ --------
WOLEN ___ 1291.1 __ MLhc 3.6 --------
FLACH ___ 1132.7 __ MLhc 3.4 --------
SCHS ___ 415.7 __ MLhc 3.2 --------
SNES2 ___ 4654.4 __ MLhc 4.1 --------
SFEL ___ 1759.5 __ MLhc 3.6 --------
SIOM ___ 3696.3 __ --------
SMAO ___ 4907.4 __ MLhc 3.4 --------
STIEG ___ 770.5 __ --------
MUTEZ ___ 1265.8 __ --------
SNTZ ___ 5996.3 __ MLhc 3.4 --------
HOR03 ___ 4326.3 __ --------
HAUIG ___ 2486.6 __ --------
SWYZ ___ 1014.8 __ --------
SAYF2 ___ 4087.6 __ --------
SMOE ___ 2197.1 __ --------
TORNY ___ 2600.4 __ --------
HOR02 ___ 3668.4 __ MLhc 4.1 --------
SAYF2 ___ 4087.6 __ MLhc 3.7 --------
SALTS ___ 1054.0 __ MLhc 3.3 --------
SOLZ ___ 2051.0 __ --------
SEPFL ___ 12066.0 __ --------
SBIK ___ 7684.4 __ MLhc 3.5 --------
TRULL ___ 1236.0 __ MLhc 3.4 --------
SFRU ___ 10328.8 __ --------
STHK ___ 3875.1 __ --------
LUZ05 ___ 2438.4 __ MLhc 3.9 --------
CHMF ___ 2242.3 __ MLhc 3.6 --------
SEFS ___ 2826.0 __ --------
SONUG ___ 5578.0 __ MLhc 3.7 --------
SHER ___ 5504.0 __ MLhc 3.8 --------
SLUB ___ 1149.6 __ --------
CHHWS ___ 1903.2 __ MLhc 3.9 --------
SSTS ___ 2157.7 __ --------
SAIRA ___ 1911.3 __ MLhc 3.6 --------
CHMF ___ 2242.3 __ --------
CI18 ___ 3131.7 __ MLhc 3.1 --------
SIEB ___ 7268.6 __ MLhc 3.9 --------
LAUCH ___ 4025.3 __ --------
MH44 ___ 3684.6 __ MLhc 3.5 --------
SIOM ___ 3696.3 __ MLhc 3.3 --------
SRHB ___ 1251.0 __ --------
HOR03 ___ 4326.3 __ MLhc 4.2 --------
SLCF ___ 9811.4 __ MLhc 3.9 --------
SVIL ___ 13472.4 __ --------
VARE ___ 912.7 __ MLhc 3.5 --------
BRIZ1 ___ 693.3 __ MLhc 3.6 --------
SBAP ___ 1572.2 __ --------
SENGL ___ 1382.4 __ MLhc 3.4 --------
EIS10 ___ 2024.7 __ --------
QEG02 ___ 1524.3 __ --------
SLUX ___ 887.9 __ --------
ENDD ___ 307.8 __ MLhc 3.4 --------
ACB ___ 1292.5 __ MLhc 3.6 --------
SVIO ___ 2290.0 __ MLhc 3.7 --------
SEPFL ___ 12066.0 __ MLhc 3.5 --------
SKRK ___ 569.0 __ MLhc 3.4 --------
SVAM ___ 388.6 __ MLhc 3.3 --------
A060B ___ 1096.3 __ --------
SMZW ___ 1279.0 __ --------
SWIM ___ 650.1 __ MLhc 3.7 --------
GAM01 ___ 14008.0 __ --------
EMMET ___ 1046.8 __ MLhc 3.4 --------
ZUR ___ 810.7 __ --------
SWYZ ___ 1014.8 __ MLhc 3.5 --------
SBUS ___ 1681.4 __ --------
VDL ___ 250.1 __ --------
BTAO ___ 792.6 __ MLhc 3.7 --------
SNTZ ___ 5996.3 __ --------
GSF03 ___ 1093.8 __ MLhc 3.6 --------
SOLZ ___ 2051.0 __ MLhc 3.3 --------
NNFS ___ 749.8 __ --------
FUSIO ___ 666.2 __ --------
SKLW ___ 878.8 __ --------
SRER ___ 1373.5 __ --------
BERGE ___ 471.1 __ --------
AGA01 ___ 16987.8 __ --------
BALST ___ 920.4 __ --------
AGA01 ___ 16987.8 __ MLhc 3.7 --------
SCHK ___ 705.4 __ MLhc 3.4 --------
SLENK ___ 20067.0 __ --------
SDAK ___ 658.1 __ --------
SBUH ___ 1073.9 __ MLhc 3.6 --------
SBAS ___ 2804.3 __ MLhc 3.4 --------
SULZ ___ 1560.8 __ MLhc 3.8 --------
EWZT2 ___ 1987.5 __ --------
DAVOX ___ 231.5 __ --------
SOLB ___ 2906.9 __ --------
STHE ___ 2129.1 __ MLhc 3.9 --------
MDI ___ 209.3 __ MLhc 3.0 --------
SARC ___ 5876.1 __ MLhc 3.7 --------
ONNEN ___ 2186.1 __ --------
LUZ02 ___ 6071.1 __ --------
KRI01 ___ 4952.2 __ --------
RONF ___ 512.4 __ MLhc 3.7 --------
BERGE ___ 471.1 __ MLhc 3.6 --------
SZWD2 ___ 6227.3 __ --------
A060B ___ 1096.3 __ MLhc 3.6 --------
SZEK ___ 5012.5 __ --------
STFL ___ 6956.6 __ MLhc 4.2 --------
SARK ___ 1911.9 __ --------
SIO02 ___ 5809.1 __ MLhc 3.9 --------
STUF ___ 1837.5 __ MLhc 3.9 --------
VET02 ___ 10894.0 __ MLhc 3.6 --------
HAUIG ___ 2486.6 __ MLhc 3.6 --------
KRI02 ___ 3135.3 __ --------
MTI01 ___ 758.6 __ MLhc 3.5 --------
SIMPL ___ 994.9 __ --------
KIZ ___ 372.4 __ --------
VMV ___ 454.3 __ --------
SAIG ___ 5576.2 __ MLhc 3.3 --------
TORNY ___ 2600.4 __ MLhc 3.6 --------
SZUZ ___ 1283.4 __ MLhc 3.4 --------
SIOO ___ 2985.3 __ MLhc 3.1 --------
VET03 ___ 9133.6 __ --------
SBIS2 ___ 1914.8 __ --------
SLE ___ 973.9 __ --------
SCOD ___ 4629.5 __ --------
SMELS ___ 1560.5 __ --------
MUGIO ___ 499.4 __ MLhc 3.4 --------
MEXWH ___ 2935.9 __ --------
SIZS ___ 1582.7 __ MLhc 3.5 --------
STUF ___ 1837.5 __ --------
SCRM ___ 3389.7 __ MLhc 3.9 --------
SCHK ___ 705.4 __ --------
BT125 ___ 452.5 __ MLhc 3.1 --------
LUZ02 ___ 6071.1 __ MLhc 4.3 --------
SGLK ___ 1383.5 __ --------
WOLEN ___ 1291.1 __ --------
SLIES ___ 1418.0 __ MLhc 3.7 --------
SWIS ___ 831.2 __ MLhc 3.4 --------
DAVOX ___ 231.5 __ MLhc 3.4 --------
SAUR ___ 1794.7 __ --------
SLIES ___ 1418.0 __ --------
QEG03 ___ 1020.1 __ MLhc 3.8 --------
CHBJ ___ 1661.5 __ --------
SINS ___ 4533.0 __ MLhc 3.4 --------
MUTEZ ___ 1265.8 __ MLhc 3.6 --------
SONUG ___ 5578.0 __ --------
SALTS ___ 1054.0 __ --------
EISH ___ 236.0 __ --------
SZWD2 ___ 6227.3 __ MLhc 3.9 --------
KRI02 ___ 3135.3 __ MLhc 4.0 --------
ELM3 ___ 633.4 __ MLhc 3.5 --------
SBERN ___ 3809.7 __ --------
SZUZ ___ 1283.4 __ --------
SAIRA ___ 1911.3 __ --------
SLUK ___ 10429.1 __ --------
SKAF ___ 715.9 __ MLhc 3.6 --------
SBERN ___ 3809.7 __ MLhc 3.5 --------
EIS10 ___ 2024.7 __ MLhc 4.1 --------
BT050 ___ 657.3 __ --------
SSCN ___ 1314.8 __ MLhc 3.2 --------
SFUY ___ 9624.6 __ --------
BLOTZ ___ 691.5 __ MLhc 3.4 --------
BRANT ___ 2318.0 __ --------
SBIK ___ 7684.4 __ --------
SKRK ___ 569.0 __ --------
WEIN ___ 1757.0 __ MLhc 3.6 --------
SRHH ___ 1082.0 __ MLhc 3.3 --------
MMK ___ 1495.3 __ MLhc 3.7 --------
STGK ___ 764.4 __ MLhc 3.4 --------
SCRM ___ 3389.7 __ --------
SDES ___ 1597.6 __ MLhc 3.5 --------
SVIO ___ 2290.0 __ --------
LUZ01 ___ 1248.6 __ --------
SZIM ___ 5091.1 __ MLhc 3.5 --------
SFRU ___ 10328.8 __ MLhc 3.8 --------
BOUC ___ 3011.3 __ MLhc 3.8 --------
SBAF ___ 1514.9 __ MLhc 3.7 --------
MEXWH ___ 2935.9 __ MLhc 3.5 --------
SUSI ___ 2442.3 __ --------
SCME ___ 8147.0 __ MLhc 3.9 --------
STGK ___ 764.4 __ --------
ZUR ___ 810.7 __ MLhc 3.5 --------
ILLF ___ 1002.9 __ --------
SBAM2 ___ 1711.1 __ --------
SAARA ___ 265.1 __ --------
SGEV ___ 8120.1 __ MLhc 3.5 --------
GRO01 ___ 6471.5 __ MLhc 4.0 --------
SBUS ___ 1681.4 __ MLhc 3.8 --------
SGWS ___ 3290.8 __ --------
OTTER ___ 3696.3 __ --------
SWERG ___ 2823.9 __ --------
MH36 ___ 5165.7 __ MLhc 3.9 --------
SBAW ___ 1427.5 __ --------
CHBM ___ 1717.1 __ --------
FIESA ___ 1101.5 __ --------
SBUH ___ 1073.9 __ --------
CHBM ___ 1717.1 __ MLhc 3.5 --------
QEG01 ___ 1371.8 __ --------
GRO01 ___ 6471.5 __ --------
GRIMS ___ 364.5 __ --------
SBIS2 ___ 1914.8 __ MLhc 3.5 --------
MTI02 ___ 766.8 __ --------
LIENZ ___ 407.7 __ --------
METMA ___ 412.3 __ MLhc 3.6 --------
SBAV ___ 1561.5 __ MLhc 3.4 --------
BLOTZ ___ 691.5 __ --------
ONNEN ___ 2186.1 __ MLhc 3.6 --------
SARC ___ 5876.1 __ --------
SLTM2 ___ 1845.3 __ --------
BALST ___ 920.4 __ MLhc 3.4 --------
SKLW ___ 878.8 __ MLhc 3.3 --------
STSW2 ___ 2672.5 __ MLhc 3.7 --------
SRENH ___ 4287.9 __ MLhc 3.7 --------
EWZT2 ___ 1987.5 __ MLhc 3.5 --------
RAR01 ___ 10834.5 __ MLhc 3.7 --------
SMEIS ___ 5297.0 __ --------
STHE ___ 2129.1 __ --------
BRIZ2 ___ 1107.4 __ MLhc 3.4 --------
STBO ___ 1792.6 __ --------
SLOP ___ 1011.6 __ MLhc 3.2 --------
SNIB ___ 6547.2 __ MLhc 3.7 --------
HOR01 ___ 745.1 __ MLhc 3.4 --------
CI19 ___ 2585.9 __ --------
HOR01 ___ 745.1 __ --------
SMFL ___ 3292.1 __ MLhc 3.6 --------
BTRH ___ 1180.6 __ --------
SRFW ___ 1175.7 __ --------
SCHIO ___ 1169.1 __ MLhc 3.1 --------
SARK ___ 1911.9 __ MLhc 3.6 --------
CHHWS ___ 1903.2 __ --------
ILLF ___ 1002.9 __ MLhc 3.3 --------
STAF ___ 6052.8 __ MLhc 3.9 --------
SINS ___ 4533.0 __ --------
SULZ ___ 1560.8 __ --------
HOR04 ___ 2110.0 __ --------
BOBI ___ 277.5 __ --------
VET03 ___ 9133.6 __ MLhc 3.4 --------
VET02 ___ 10894.0 __ --------
SSMS ___ 5074.0 __ MLhc 3.7 --------
SIEB ___ 7268.6 __ --------
SAARA ___ 265.1 __ MLhc 3.5 --------
SBGN ___ 483.8 __ --------
DAMV1 ___ 1169.2 __ MLhc 3.5 --------
OTER2 ___ 60.3 __ MLhc 2.9 --------
SBAP ___ 1572.2 __ MLhc 3.8 --------
SCOU ___ 3275.6 __ MLhc 3.6 --------
SRHB ___ 1251.0 __ MLhc 3.4 --------
SCOU ___ 3275.6 __ --------
ENE01 ___ 582.1 __ --------
SYVP ___ 6125.4 __ --------
SWIK ___ 1408.1 __ MLhc 3.5 --------
MATTE ___ 489.5 __ MLhc 3.3 --------
SRER ___ 1373.5 __ MLhc 3.3 --------
SCAS2 ___ 624.0 __ MLhc 3.1 --------
SRHE ___ 1393.5 __ MLhc 3.4 --------
SOLB ___ 2906.9 __ MLhc 3.3 --------
MDI ___ 209.3 __ --------
SIMPL ___ 994.9 __ MLhc 3.6 --------
QEG02 ___ 1524.3 __ MLhc 3.4 --------
BTRH ___ 1180.6 __ MLhc 3.5 --------
SLENK ___ 20067.0 __ MLhc 3.8 --------
SBAF ___ 1514.9 __ --------
SRENH ___ 4287.9 __ --------
SGAK ___ 6080.4 __ --------
SBAJ2 ___ 1597.9 __ --------
SAIG ___ 5576.2 __ --------
SPZ03 ___ 2912.2 __ MLhc 3.7 --------
MH36 ___ 5165.7 __ --------
NNFW ___ 810.8 __ --------
FUSIO ___ 666.2 __ MLhc 3.5 --------
SKEK ___ 1999.4 __ --------
BRANT ___ 2318.0 __ MLhc 3.7 --------
MUGIO ___ 499.4 __ --------
SIOH ___ 6032.0 __ --------
SGAK ___ 6080.4 __ MLhc 3.7 --------
BT050 ___ 657.3 __ MLhc 3.3 --------
HOR02 ___ 3668.4 __ --------
SSCN ___ 1314.8 __ --------
QEG03 ___ 1020.1 __ --------
GSF03 ___ 1093.8 __ --------
BOBI ___ 277.5 __ MLhc 3.4 --------
LIENZ ___ 407.7 __ MLhc 3.7 --------
SIOO ___ 2985.3 __ --------
VDR ___ 158.6 __ MLhc 3.2 --------
MH44 ___ 3684.6 __ --------
MTI01 ___ 758.6 __ --------
SMFL ___ 3292.1 __ --------
WEIN ___ 1757.0 __ --------
CHBJ ___ 1661.5 __ MLhc 3.8 --------
SSTS ___ 2157.7 __ MLhc 3.5 --------
SWERG ___ 2823.9 __ MLhc 4.3 --------
CI18 ___ 3131.7 __ --------
STBO ___ 1792.6 __ MLhc 3.9 --------
CHKS ___ 1631.3 __ --------
ROTHE ___ 814.8 __ MLhc 3.5 --------
DAMV1 ___ 1169.2 __ --------
PLONS ___ 323.5 __ --------
BIBA ___ 2000.8 __ MLhc 3.7 --------
MMK ___ 1495.3 __ --------
SLOP ___ 1011.6 __ --------
SAPK ___ 614.5 __ MLhc 3.4 --------
NNFT ___ 583.9 __ MLhc 3.5 --------
MONC ___ 1000.6 __ --------
KRI03 ___ 3286.5 __ MLhc 4.0 --------
SBAK ___ 1676.7 __ --------
RONF ___ 512.4 __ --------
SBAW ___ 1427.5 __ MLhc 3.4 --------
SSMS ___ 5074.0 __ --------
FIESA ___ 1101.5 __ MLhc 3.7 --------
SLUW ___ 6126.8 __ --------
SZIM ___ 5091.1 __ --------
VMV ___ 454.3 __ MLhc 3.2 --------
EISH ___ 236.0 __ MLhc 3.2 --------
MTIA1 ___ 621.2 __ --------
PANIX ___ 376.7 __ --------
SRHH ___ 1082.0 __ --------
SPZ03 ___ 2912.2 __ --------
SVAM ___ 388.6 __ --------
SAPK ___ 614.5 __ --------
SBUA2 ___ 658.1 __ MLhc 3.5 --------
CHBSG ___ 1592.9 __ MLhc 3.8 --------
SHER ___ 5504.0 __ --------
VDR ___ 158.6 __ --------
SNES2 ___ 4654.4 __ --------
SCHIO ___ 1169.1 __ --------
MH48 ___ 2090.3 __ MLhc 3.6 --------
SMOE ___ 2197.1 __ MLhc 3.4 --------
PLONS ___ 323.5 __ MLhc 3.6 --------
SFRS ___ 17634.3 __ MLhc 4.1 --------
SBAM2 ___ 1711.1 __ MLhc 3.4 --------
SMZW ___ 1279.0 __ MLhc 3.2 --------
DSMA ___ 134.4 __ MLhc 3.0 --------
DAGMA ___ 872.6 __ MLhc 3.5 --------
BTNF ___ 652.3 __ --------
SRFW ___ 1175.7 __ MLhc 3.7 --------
WILA ___ 1551.7 __ --------
BTNF ___ 652.3 __ MLhc 3.5 --------
MTI02 ___ 766.8 __ MLhc 3.5 --------
SLTM2 ___ 1845.3 __ MLhc 3.7 --------
NDBA1 ___ 714.3 __ MLhc 3.6 --------
SNIB ___ 6547.2 __ --------
ENDD ___ 307.8 __ --------
ACB ___ 1292.5 __ --------
BT175 ___ 530.4 __ MLhc 3.2 --------
SFUY ___ 9624.6 __ MLhc 4.0 --------
KRI03 ___ 3286.5 __ --------
WGT ___ 390.9 __ MLhc 3.5 --------
SFEL ___ 1759.5 __ --------
QEG00 ___ 1123.8 __ MLhc 3.2 --------
SBUA2 ___ 658.1 __ --------
SCME ___ 8147.0 __ --------
STSW2 ___ 2672.5 __ --------
SWIK ___ 1408.1 __ --------
HASLI ___ 1235.0 __ MLhc 3.6 --------
SBRS ___ 3977.3 __ MLhc 3.4 --------
BTCP ___ 3343.6 __ --------
NIE01 ___ 1027.4 __ MLhc 3.6 --------
BIBA ___ 2000.8 __ --------
BNALP ___ 511.5 __ MLhc 3.5 --------
SVIT ___ 2288.7 __ --------
LUZ05 ___ 2438.4 __ --------
SMAO ___ 4907.4 __ --------
EMMET ___ 1046.8 __ --------
VDL ___ 250.1 __ MLhc 3.5 --------
A121B ___ 355.6 __ --------
SENGL ___ 1382.4 __ --------
NNFW ___ 810.8 __ MLhc 3.5 --------
NNFT ___ 583.9 __ --------
SBAV ___ 1561.5 __ --------
LAUCH ___ 4025.3 __ MLhc 3.9 --------
SLUK ___ 10429.1 __ MLhc 4.6 --------
SMEIS ___ 5297.0 __ MLhc 3.7 --------
SGLK ___ 1383.5 __ MLhc 3.4 --------
STAF ___ 6052.8 __ --------
SBRS ___ 3977.3 __ --------
CHBSG ___ 1592.9 __ --------
VOGT ___ 579.9 __ --------
STIEG ___ 770.5 __ MLhc 3.5 --------
SFRS ___ 17634.3 __ --------
SBGN ___ 483.8 __ MLhc 3.4 --------
SIO02 ___ 5809.1 __ --------
CHASS ___ 2496.6 __ --------
SCHS ___ 415.7 __ --------
HOR04 ___ 2110.0 __ MLhc 3.9 --------
SRHE ___ 1393.5 __ --------
HASLI ___ 1235.0 __ --------
SIZS ___ 1582.7 __ --------
SLCF ___ 9811.4 __ --------
SDAK ___ 658.1 __ MLhc 3.3 --------
CHASS ___ 2496.6 __ MLhc 3.8 --------
CHKS ___ 1631.3 __ MLhc 3.8 --------
CI19 ___ 2585.9 __ MLhc 3.3 --------
OTTER ___ 3696.3 __ MLhc 3.9 --------
LUZ01 ___ 1248.6 __ MLhc 3.6 --------
SVBE ___ 1675.4 __ --------
ROTHE ___ 814.8 __ --------
GAM01 ___ 14008.0 __ MLhc 4.4 --------
SLUX ___ 887.9 __ MLhc 3.6 --------
OTER2 ___ 60.3 __ --------
SGEV ___ 8120.1 __ --------
WIMIS ___ 2625.1 __ --------
DAGMA ___ 872.6 __ --------
ELM3 ___ 633.4 __ --------
BOUC ___ 3011.3 __ --------
BRIZ2 ___ 1107.4 __ --------

QuakeML format

Ground motion estimates (ShakeMap raw data)

PGV (m/s), ESRI shp format
PGA (m/s2), ESRI shp format
EMS-98 intensity, ESRI shp format
Earthquake announcements

Meldung / Announcement / Annuncio / Annonce Nr: 2
für dieses Ereignis / concernant cet événement / per questo evento / for this event

ERDBEBENMELDUNG des Schweizerischen Erdbebendienstes an der ETH

Der Schweizerische Erdbebendienst an der ETH Zürich hat in Frankreich,
ungefähr 31 km südöstlich von Annecy ein Erdbeben registriert.
Das Beben ereignete sich am 12. März 2022 um 20:19:18 Uhr (Lokalzeit)
mit einer Magnitude von etwa 3.5 auf der Richterskala. Dieses
Erdbeben dürfte weiträumig verspürt worden sein. Schäden sind
bei einem Erdbeben dieser Stärke in der Regel nicht zu erwarten.

Auf www.seismo.ethz.ch finden Sie weitere Informationen sowie
die Möglichkeit, Beobachtungen zum Beben zu melden.

Diese Angaben wurden von einem Seismologen / einer Seismologin

Annonce de TREMBLEMENT DE TERRE du Service Sismologique Suisse
à l'ETH de Zurich

Le Service Sismologique Suisse à l'ETH de Zurich a enregistré
un tremblement de terre en France, à environ 31 km au sud-est
d'Annecy. La secousse a eu lieu le 12 mars 2022 à 20:19:18 (heure
locale) avec une magnitude d'environ 3.5 sur l'échelle de Richter.
Ce tremblement de terre a pu être ressenti sur une zone étendue.
En règle générale, on ne s’attend pas à des dégâts pour un tremblement
de terre de cette magnitude.

Pour de plus amples informations, visitez le site www.seismo.ethz.ch,
on peut également y faire part de ses propres observations concernant
le tremblement de terre.

Ces données ont été vérifiées par un sismologue.

Annuncio di TERREMOTO del Servizio Sismico Svizzero con sede all'ETH
di Zurigo

Il Servizio Sismico Svizzero con sede all'ETH di Zurigo ha registrato
un terremoto in Francia, approssimativamente a 31 km a sud-est
d'Annecy. Il terremoto è avvenuto il 12 marzo 2022 alle ore 20:19:18
(ora locale) ed aveva una magnitudo di circa 3.5 sulla scala Richter.
Probabilmente questo terremoto è stato percepito anche al di fuori
della zona dell'epicentro. Normalmente da un terremoto di questa
magnitudo non si attendono danni.

Ulteriori informazioni si trovano sul sito www.seismo.ethz.ch,
dove potete anche comunicare le vostre osservazioni su questo

Queste informazioni sono state verificate da un sismologo.

EARTHQUAKE announcement from the Swiss Seismological Service at
the ETH Zurich

The Swiss Seismological Service at the ETH Zurich has detected
an earthquake in France, approx. 31 km south east of Annecy. The
earthquake occurred on 12 March 2022 at 20:19:18 (local time)
with a magnitude of about 3.5 on the Richter scale. This earthquake
is likely to have been felt in a wide area around the epicenter.
Damage is usually not expected from an earthquake of this magnitude.

For further information visit www.seismo.ethz.ch, where it is
also possible to submit felt reports for this earthquake.

This information has been verified by a seismologist.


Meldung / Announcement / Annuncio / Annonce Nr: 1
für dieses Ereignis / concernant cet événement / per questo evento / for this event

ERDBEBENMELDUNG des Schweizerischen Erdbebendienstes an der ETH

Der Schweizerische Erdbebendienst an der ETH Zürich hat in Frankreich,
ungefähr 32 km südöstlich von Annecy ein Erdbeben registriert.
Das Beben ereignete sich am 12. März 2022 um 20:19:18 Uhr (Lokalzeit)
mit einer Magnitude von etwa 3.6 auf der Richterskala. Dieses
Erdbeben dürfte weiträumig verspürt worden sein. Schäden sind
bei einem Erdbeben dieser Stärke in der Regel nicht zu erwarten.

Auf www.seismo.ethz.ch finden Sie weitere Informationen sowie
die Möglichkeit, Beobachtungen zum Beben zu melden.

Achtung: Diese Angaben wurden automatisch berechnet und noch nicht
von einem Seismologen / einer Seismologin überprüft.

Annonce de TREMBLEMENT DE TERRE du Service Sismologique Suisse
à l'ETH de Zurich

Le Service Sismologique Suisse à l'ETH de Zurich a enregistré
un tremblement de terre en France, à environ 32 km au sud-est
d'Annecy. La secousse a eu lieu le 12 mars 2022 à 20:19:18 (heure
locale) avec une magnitude d'environ 3.6 sur l'échelle de Richter.
Ce tremblement de terre a pu être ressenti sur une zone étendue.
En règle générale, on ne s’attend pas à des dégâts pour un tremblement
de terre de cette magnitude.

Pour de plus amples informations, visitez le site www.seismo.ethz.ch,
on peut également y faire part de ses propres observations concernant
le tremblement de terre.

Attention: Ces données ont été calculées de manière automatique
et n'ont pas encore été vérifiées par un sismologue.

Annuncio di TERREMOTO del Servizio Sismico Svizzero con sede all'ETH
di Zurigo

Il Servizio Sismico Svizzero con sede all'ETH di Zurigo ha registrato
un terremoto in Francia, approssimativamente a 32 km a sud-est
d'Annecy. Il terremoto è avvenuto il 12 marzo 2022 alle ore 20:19:18
(ora locale) ed aveva una magnitudo di circa 3.6 sulla scala Richter.
Probabilmente questo terremoto è stato percepito anche al di fuori
della zona dell'epicentro. Normalmente da un terremoto di questa
magnitudo non si attendono danni.

Ulteriori informazioni si trovano sul sito www.seismo.ethz.ch,
dove potete anche comunicare le vostre osservazioni su questo

Attenzione: Queste informazioni sono state calcolate automaticamente
e non sono state ancora verificate da un sismologo.

EARTHQUAKE announcement from the Swiss Seismological Service at
the ETH Zurich

The Swiss Seismological Service at the ETH Zurich has detected
an earthquake in France, approx. 32 km south east of Annecy. The
earthquake occurred on 12 March 2022 at 20:19:18 (local time)
with a magnitude of about 3.6 on the Richter scale. This earthquake
is likely to have been felt in a wide area around the epicenter.
Damage is usually not expected from an earthquake of this magnitude.

For further information visit www.seismo.ethz.ch, where it is
also possible to submit felt reports for this earthquake.

Warning: This information has been created automatically and has
not been verified by a seismologist.

This Event in Swisstopo Viewer:
External link, opens in new tab